Saturday, February 13, 2010

Life Is Very Much More Exciting Now Than It Used to Be

Charlotte Perkins Gilman's short story The Yellow Wallpaper was required reading for my freshman literature course. I haven't read it since then, but I remember vividly my love for this story. It was twisted and bizarre and wonderful. Like The Color Purple, the first person perspective of a journal is vital in order to understand the changing mental condition of the narrator. The dramatic irony of the story is spectacularly played out. While the narrator attributes the "strange rings and things" on the walls, the barred windows, and the fixed down furniture in her room to her belief that it was previously used as a nursery, the reader slowly comes to realize that in actuality it was most likely used to restrain an insane person. How ironic that the room would come to serve the same purpose that it did in the past! The evolving pattern and smudges of the yellow wallpaper reflect the slow decline of the narrator into insanity, as she sees a trapped woman trying to escape it's repeating and menacing pattern. The changing of the woman's activity directly reflects the increased nervousness of the narrator's own psyche. Despite the tragic ending, the reader is somewhat satisfied in seeing the shock of her husband/doctor, who must admit that his methods of treatment and neglect failed miserably. This story is an excellent study of the human mental condition, and I highly recommend it. An A in my book!

16 down, 985 to go!

"To swallow and follow, whether old doctrine or new propaganda, is a weakness still dominating." (Charlotte Perkins Gilman)

1 comment:

kittenpaws33 said...

Loved the Yellow Wallpaper, I read it in high school. We spent so much time analyzing it, but it was SO so good :)

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